Digital Learning in Business

Recent years have seen a large shift towards remote working, and a huge growth in the use of online and digital tools.

However despite this, there is still a large digital skills gap within the workplace. Many businesses report that the digital skills capabilities within their workforce are often lacking, with significant discrepancies in ability, along with skills shortages across certain areas.

In many instances, business is now predominantly being conducted digitally, and so it is increasingly important that these skills gaps are addressed. Digital skills can be defined broadly, such as the ability to effectively use digital devices or communicate and collaborate (using tools such as email, and calendar), or more specifically at a business level determined by the tools and platforms used within that organisation – for example, the workforce’ capabilities for using Microsoft 365.

Interestingly, these skills gaps are often not just restricted to the more mature workforce. Skills gaps in digital skills for businesses can be seen across the board. With digital skills being increasingly important for career development, progression, and also the success of businesses and organisations, it is important to address these issues.

Businesses who invest in digital skills development and training often see a wide range of benefits. From a personal development perspective, it increases the confidence of staff, and ongoing CPD is proven to create a culture of job satisfaction and increased staff retention. From a business perspective, investing in the digital skills of employees can help to streamline working processes, creating a more effective and efficient workforce. Better digital skills save time and money, and are greatly conducive to improvements in productivity.

With digital working only becoming more prevalent, it is important to invest now in addressing the skills gap and upskilling employees, in order to foster a culture of learning and development, and digital competency.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help address the digital skills gap in your business, get in touch for a chat with our experts.

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