Oxfordshire Hospital School had a bold ambition - to create a first of its kind, engaging learning environment to support educators working in all Hospital Schools. Their vision was to develop an eLearning platform that would provide easy to access, informative content to enable staff and educators to support learners with medical needs or those returning to school after a prolonged absence.
Aspire 2Be and Oxfordshire Hospital School worked in partnership to develop a bespoke platform - Medical Needs in Schools. The technical expertise of Aspire 2Be ensured that an accessible, user-friendly platform was created that would host a range of interactive lessons and resources. The aim of the platform was to inform and educate, and serve to deepen practitioner knowledge on how to provide the best learning experience for the child or children in question.
Along with developing the platform itself, Aspire 2Be were able to support Oxfordshire Hospital School in creating eLearning content, providing insight and guidance on how to produce high-quality educational videos and designing branded animations to ensure consistency across the board. The platform provides educational staff with (currently) 16 need-specific courses.
A key element of the success of this project was the close working relationship between Aspire 2Be and Oxfordshire Hospital School, who continuously ensured the development of the platform and its content were aligned with the original objectives, and utilised the support of a steering group for ongoing testing and evaluation, to maximise the impact of the final product, Medical Needs in Schools.
The Future
The project has been such a success, that Oxfordshire Hospital School have decided to expand the platform to other hospital schools around the country. This will allow for best practice, collaboration and sharing of resources that will continue to develop the site, and will allow users the opportunity to continue to learn from leading experts in their field. The ongoing effect of this project will be hugely impactful for both staff and learners across the country.