This qualification expands the Supporting Teaching and Learning qualification to offer both Levels 2 and 3. This adds to the range of education-focussed apprenticeships offered by Aspire 2Be, which also includes the Level 3 Diploma for Digital Learning Practitioners and ILM Leadership & Management for Educators qualifications.
Supporting Teaching and Learning Level 2 is aimed at learning support staff and teaching assistants, particularly those who are new to the role. It is designed to provide the opportunity to develop role-specific knowledge and skills, whilst also providing specific learning pathways to develop expertise across key areas of education. Learners will also develop a range of digital skills and explore how technology can play a central role in supporting a range of teaching and learning scenarios.
“The National Professional Learning Entitlement guidance from Welsh Government advocates for accredited, high quality professional learning available to all educators, including support staff,” comments Aspire 2Be Managing Director, Matt Smith.
He continues, “Our Supporting Teaching and Learning Level 2 qualification provides a pathway for ‘new to role’ teaching assistants and support staff. With the added benefit of developing digital skills, this qualification will ensure schools are able to provide ongoing, professional learning for their learning support teams which is relevant to learners and aligned to the Curriculum for Wales.”
With a broad portfolio of digital tools, resources and platforms, and as a Professional Development Partner for Apple, Google and Microsoft, Aspire 2Be is ideally placed as industry experts to provide this range of digital professional qualifications for learners.