DIGITAL qualifications


Micro-credentials are short, focused awards that signify a learner’s proficiency in specific skills or knowledge areas.

Unlike traditional diplomas which cover broad subject areas over a longer period, micro-credentials are designed to be completed in a shorter time frame and focus on knowledge and competencies relevant to specific industries.

The awards offer routes into new or existing career pathways with the opportunity to progress to full diplomas.


Aspire 2Be employ a team of experienced educators, digital experts, technical professionals, and practised business professionals, all striving to make a real difference through the development of innovative processes, creative products, and building capability. 

We are a global professional development partner for the ‘big 3’ – Apple, Google, and Microsoft: the first organisation in the UK to achieve all 3 accreditations.

Available Courses

Digital skills for business: Level 1

Digital skills for business: Level 2

Supporting Teaching & Learning: Level 2

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