March 12, 2024

Project Spotlight – Creating Coding Communities with Blaenau Gwent

Within the Blaenau Gwent region, there are significant socio-economic problems causing issues around inequality in education and a lack of opportunities.

In order to address these educational disparities, Creating Coding Communities was created. Creating Coding Communities was a project devised by Aspire 2Be in partnership with BG Stem Facilitation Project for Blaenau Gwent Libraries to provide an extra curricular, community based, STEM initiative, to serve children in the community.

The aim of the project was to create a sustainable training programme that when implemented, would build a practitioner workforce to help improve the employability prospects and enhance the opportunities of thousands of disadvantaged children living in Blaenau Gwent.

With extensive experience of working within the education sector to deliver STEM initiatives, including Micro:bits, Aspire 2Be were able to develop an innovative approach to implementing the Creating Coding Communities project. Aspire 2Be utilised a ‘train the trainer’ model, to ensure that after the initial training was complete, the Blaenau Gwent library staff had the skills and knowledge to continue to deliver the project within the community.


Aspire 2Be began with a full skills and hardware audit, which identified the need for some key equipment. The A2B team then acquired and provided the full range of Micro:bits coding equipment required for the project, which consisted of 60 Chromebook computers, and 120 Micro:bit Complete Starter Kits, at a total value of around £19,000, funded by the BG Stem Facilitation Project.

The initial stage of the project saw a series of thorough, immersive training sessions held for members of the library staff, and STEM project staff. These sessions delivered training on coding – including coding vocabulary, understanding effective pedagogy for delivery into schools, and how to utilise the Micro:bits coding platform. Staff were also provided with a range of comprehensive resources and lesson plans, to assist them.

The next project phase was for school delivery; Aspire 2Be conducted an ‘Introduction to Micro:bits’ for groups of around 30 students. In the morning sessions, library staff observed and provided assistance. In the afternoon, the library staff took the lead in the session, with Aspire 2Be staff offering support in a ‘train the trainer’ approach. This ensured that library staff had support and were able to grow in confidence, knowing that assistance was on hand. The initial delivery was a great success, and library staff went on to deliver to a range of schools, reaching almost 200 pupils in this project phase.

"The Blaenau Gwent STEM Facilitation Project are proud to have been able to develop this project with Aspire 2Be for local schools and communities. By partnering with Aneurin Leisure Trust and delivering this project across all 6 libraries in Blaenau Gwent means that anyone and everyone can access sessions on Coding and Micro:bit programming”
Julie Timothy
Team Leader, BG Stem Facilitation Project

The feedback from the project was fantastic, with many schools wishing to engage further in the programme, and high interest in more sessions to bring in different pupils. Blaenau Gwent libraries services are now able to run clubs and sessions to young people in the community, to continue to ensure that the educational disparity is narrowing. It has been a hugely rewarding project to be part of, for both the Aspire 2Be team and the Blaenau Gwent library staff.

“The Blaenau Gwent STEM Facilitation Project are proud to have been able to develop this project with Aspire 2Be for local schools and communities. By partnering with Aneurin Leisure Trust and delivering this project across all 6 libraries in Blaenau Gwent means that anyone and everyone can access sessions on Coding and Micro:bit programming – these skills are essential for the future. In addition to the school visits, we have already had an adult disability group and scout group attend some sessions. The amount of interest this project has generated in its first quarter has blown me away and I know this project will continue to go from strength to strength”.

Julie Timothy, Team Leader, BG Stem Facilitation Project.

Library Number of staff trained Total number of school visits Total Number of Children Community Coding Club Set Up
Cwm 1 2 55 Yes
Ebbw Vale 3 2 59
Tredegar 4 5 128 Yes
Brynmawr 1 4 91
Blaina 1 4 106
Abertillery 5 4 124
Outreach & Relief 6
Total 21 21 563 2


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